Sunday, December 7, 2008

I should be studying...

Final exams here I come! Yuck, I'm really not looking forward to it!
On a side note, I got to spend time with a few of my favorite people this weekend! Got to see the boyfriend Thursday night, my two best friends, and my family! :) I drank way too much Friday night, and I was definitely that girl.
Saturday I saw this:

Transport for Christ MUDFLAPS!

I look at Lacey with an eyebrow raised.

I say: What do you think they are transporting for Jesus?
Lacey: Baby Jesus'?
Me: Hm...
Lacey: baby lambs?
Me: I was thinking Mur. Yes, Frankincense and Mur...
Lacey: Genius.


Lacey in the Sky said...

Uhm, correction: I said "Baby lambs. The lambs of God?" This was a pretty hilarious stinkin' moment! Aghh, there are great things to be seen on I-12!

Lacey in the Sky said...

LOVE the new header, lady friend!