Wednesday, December 3, 2008

O Bonsai Tree, O Bonsai Tree....

Don't laugh. It's cute. And I have a good explanation.
a) apparently it's tacky to leave your Christmas tree up for several months post Christmas.
b) I'm lazy
c) I don't really have space
d) I think I'd forget to water it, which would be ashame.
e) I'm lazy
f) Those tree farmers always cut too many little trees and I'm putting my foot down!
g) The bonsai tree goes with my theme for this Christmas. Azian Persuzian? Err...I'll have to get back to you on what the theme is... but it's a good idea in theory


Lacey in the Sky said...

Haha, your accidental Christmas tree! I am coming back soon to make you put some real freakin decorations up, woman! Or else you will come home and your house will just have been raped Christmas style. Pow Pow will Looooovvvve me, let me tell ya! lol.

Actually, I did have to cheat a little because I only had 5 pictures in my 6th folder! So I just put up picture number 5. Had it been picture 4... it totally would have been a picture of someone I was making fun of on facebook and emailed to Rachel (who isn't friends with them.) Remember why you love me again? Yeah... I thought so.

Lacey in the Sky said...

Your captcha just made me spell out "chicken" ... now I am hungry. Get rid of that bs, by the way. What are you? Afraid of a little robot comment?

Anonymous said...

I think the tree is cute! I'm lazy too and wouldn't have a big tree if it wasn't for the little one.