Tuesday, July 15, 2008

New! Yay!

Yes, yes ladies and gentleman (I'm sure there are plenty of men running around this place), this is officially my first blog...here anyways. I've done this before, but I need to brush the dust off of my blog fingers and get back to work. Lots of thoughts running through my head tonight. I set up my etsy account: www.lluquetphotography.etsy.com a few days ago where I'll be selling my photographs. I've been doing wedding photography for a few years, but have recently had to slow down on all that craziness! So for now, I'll just be showcasing a few prints I like. I'm in the process of getting a new job and relocating right now, so my brain is a weee bit scattered. This is all I can muster up tonight. I've got a good book on my pillow case.


Lacey in the Sky said...

Look at you- GOSH, i'm proud. I'm going to add you to my bloglist so my blog peeps can go look at you if they so choose! Love it!

Lacey in the Sky said...

Next I will show you where to find blog backgrounds(ya know, somethin' to match your purdy green banner) ... go look at mine and you will see a link for it at the top! Pyzam, I think?

Wuh Oh - blogging best friends! We have a new outlet to tell embarassing childhood stories through now!